It's that time a year again... the ONE day out of the year when we appreciate the one place in the universe (theoretically speaking) where the chemical balance is just right to sustain life. COME ON... ONE day our of 365???
Not to get preachy on you or anything-but I will if I have to- We should be mindful stewards! We need to be. OUR existence depends on it.
Pick up some trash on the side of the road, reycyle, plant a tree, carpool to work when you can. These simple everyday things can change the world.
I found a cool site you should check out and donate to: http://www.americanforests.org/.
If you need some a gift or new art for the house? How about some ECO ART?? Please click the link ECOART.
$1 will plant a tree! I will donate 1% of the proceeds from ECO art purchased to the American Forests service each year from now on out. I haven't posted this on my website yet but I will be making that change soon!