Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Weekend Recap

Who doesn't love a good 3-day weekend? There are few things I love more and one of them is a 4-day weekend! That is right I took Friday off to start the weekend off. I woke up late (8ish), took a hike and went to the beach for a few hours. I got a lot of done this weekend. I started on some new paintings that are coming along nicely. I also worked on a few older pieces that I am hoping to finish up soon.
I didn't do too much on the computer this weekend. I really needed a break from designing and this weekend was really a refreshing break from the everyday norm. 
Saturday I went to the golf course and played 9 holes with my bros and Dad. I didn't do too bad considering I usually only play once a year.  The weather was nice and it was good to see my brothers. 
Sunday I went to a going away party for my brother. He is graduating this year and will be heading to Alaska for 4 years for the Army. Alaska isn't too bad considering too many soldiers are in Iraq, Afghanistan and several other countries.
I played some bocce ball and did some grilling. Drank some beers and enjoyed hanging out with family members I haven't seen in a while.

All in all this was a wicked fun weekend! I hope you had a good one too!


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