Wednesday, October 22, 2008


"Being good in business is the most fascinating kind of art"- Andy Warhol

Some people have mixed opinions of this guy. However, there is definitely some real genius (along with the madness) in his work. He had an idea and he never stopped believing, never stopped pushing his idea to the absolute limit until he was where he wanted to be.

His work and his potential has been and is very inspiring and should be to everyone who has goals.

I have several goals as do most people and as long as you have these goals "dreams" (however you want to phrase it) and you have the burning desire/ passion to follow through with them, eventually they will come true and you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

If you're interested in checking out some of his work there is an exhibit down in Manchester, NH at the Currier Museum of Art. You can find some information here

1 comment:

Scott Bulger Photography said...

I met Andy Warhol at a book signing in Boston back in the 80's when he was out promoting his book "America". He was just as bizarre a human being as i had ever met.

Incredibly creative and a master of marketing.