There is no beating around the bush,
WE ARE ALL BUSY and we all live very busy lives. How does one make time to create art?
Ask anyone (artists included) and they will tell you, it's no easy task juggling what life throws at you: spending time with friends and family, paying bills, working multiple jobs to get by, enjoying life and oh ya- creating art. Unless you are a full time artist, (I wish I was) you are more than likely working another job to support you passion. A "hobby to some" and a way-of-life to others! For me it's a way of life.
This drawing "Ultimate Froggie" is from week 17- you can view it
No matter how you do it, it's not easy. You have to set aside time for yourself to be locked down in the studio and create. Life is about balance and it always will be. It's about give and take - the ebb and flow of life. I know that if I don't create something at least once a week - I WILL GO OUT OF MY MIND!!! For the most part, I am creating everyday. Whether I am creating a drawing, a painting, taking photos
( or designing something on the computer.... I am creating- And I am loving every minute of it!!
For the past two years I have been posting pieces of art for my One A Week Art Project where I display one creation in any medium on my blog. It's been a great outlet for me and has given me another reason to finish a project I started. Having a deadline gives me a little push to keep going. The deadline keeps me inspired to keep at it, especially on the days when I am feeling under the weather or less inclined to create and oh yeah- when I am feeling lethargic from doing too many things.
I recommend getting a calendar and circling the days each week that you will take for yourself and create art. You can buy a calendar here:
At-A-Glance Recycled Monthly Wall Calendar - Blue/Red - 20" x 30" (Google Affiliate Ad)
The calendar will provide you with a concrete, visual deadline. I also recommend writing it in Pen or Permanent Marker. It's easy to erase pencil and yes, of course you can scribble or cross out your notes that you wrote in pen. However, every time you see that scribbled out a note, you will be reminded of the day you didn't create art- even though you intended to.
"The best thing I've done in a while was starting my One A Week Art Project. By doing this, I have created a concrete deadline and a goal to create one piece of art (I usually end up creating more) each week and post it on my blog. This deadline has really helped me grow as an artist."
If you are struggling with this issue of finding the time to create, I can sympathize. Start out slow by taking 15 or 20 minutes a day and set aside some art time. Take small baby steps towards a long and fulfilling journey by working up to an hour a week and eventually an hour a day (or whatever your schedule will allow).
Making A List
Another way to allot your time is by making a list.
Make two lists:
- *All the things you Need to do
- *All the things you Want to do
*include a tentative time frame (soft date) and a definitive time frame (hard date) for when you would like to and have to accomplish or full fill each item on the list.
By writing down all the things you need to do each Day, Week, and Month- you will allow yourself to focus on what's important from day to day. This visual reminder will allow you to focus on the immediate task at hand and not worry about everything you need to get done.
Keep in mind that your weeks will vary depending upon personal obligations. This is natural as you must keep balance in your life.... it all comes back to balance.
iPhone & Mobile Phone Calendar Apps
Your phone is always with you and while they are installed with a default calendar, there are some pretty cool apps available that make life even easier.
Here's a free app that I just read about
here called
Sunrise. (I have never used this app.)
Another app (that I have used) is called
Have you ever written something down so you don't forget it later on and then lose that paper? I think everyone has... I just lost three (3) of them while writing this post. Anyway, Evernote allows you to take notes, photo notes and more. The best part is that you can access Evernote via your phone, computer or tablet. You can even share them with a friend.
They have a Free version and a Paid version. The app download is free and it works great!
Final Words
Try not to get too overwhelmed with prioritizing ever detail of your life. There is something to be said for allowing a little bit of spontaneity into your life. *I'm not talking about "How are you going to eat your next meal spontaneity"-more like- "Hey, it's sunny outside, lets go to the beach and leave the laundry for later".
Remember baby steps- Start small and go slow. Speed will be acquired over the long haul. This journey you are on is long and there is no need to rush it. Small changes now, will be Big changes in the future.
If you have any questions for me and need some advice, you can send me an email and I will do my best to help you out.
Feel free to post in the comments section and let me and other artists know how you make time to create art. Any personal tips or tricks that could be helpful to others.
Ordering from any time soon? Click on the web banner I have to the right of my blog or on the link.
Amazon will give me a few pennies from every purchase which helps pay for the blog.
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