Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Winter's End

Winter has come to an end, hopefully, and I was just downloading some pics from my camera last night and found this gem from Feb.!!! Wow, I need to get on the ball. I took this in MA when I went to my lil brother's BBall game.
Great day for shootin', as we had just got hit with about 5" of snow. Which was soon gone hours later.
Well I have some things brewing and projects to be finished. I will be posting shortly!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Here we go again!

Okay, I am not good about posting routinely; however, I will do my best! I have been extremely busy at the day job and I haven't had much time to post as I have been creating new art and updating the site.
This weekend I am workin' in the studio and getting a ton of work done. Listening to music and possibly a few pints of my favorite! Right now I am listening to Ronan Quinn. If you haven't heard him he is a great Irish musician and I highly recommend taking a listen.
In other news, I am Moon Art Design is on Facebook!! Check it out and add me to you list!

I am planning on posting some new art on Monday, so check back then!

have a great weekend. Cheers!!

PS- This time last year, I was in Ireland drinkin' my first pint on the Emerald Isle. Rugby 6 nations today! Go Ireland!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Art

I just finished this drawing last week. I used Cray-pas, oh yes!, remember those?? Anyways, I started this at about 2AM and ended forcing myself to stop around 4:30AM in order to still function the following day at a reasonable hour. I ended up finishing this about a week later with a couple of short sessions.
I think this looks great. My inspiration for this piece came from listening to one of my favorite bands (tea leaf green). If you have the chance to see them, they are a must see. They are known for their high energy shows with insane improvisational jams.
I call this drawing, "Trevor" inspired by the keyboard player of TLG. This is eco friendly as it was created on recycled cardboard.

Let me know what you think.
