Monday, July 27, 2009

New Art

Okay it's been a while since the last post. I've been busy and busy is always good! I have another drawing (White charcoal and Black charcoal) on recycled cardboard. This is a sail boat for all the sailors out there!
How can you not love a sailor?

My three weeks headlining exhibit in the Keene, NH art gallery (Lotus and Orchid) is finally up. :( However, I have been asked to keep three pieces in the gallery on a month to month basis and I have accepted. I am going to be leaving the Saxophone player "Colour of Music VII" oil painting in and adding two more pieces. Once I have decided what to bring down I will let you know.
In the mean time go to Keene and see the gallery!!!

In other news, I am getting things ready for the "Art In The Park" the first weekend of September. This is a two day affair (Sat. 9/5 and Sun. 9/6). I am busy printing up some prints and creating some t-shirt designs. If you have any shirts that you would like to see let me know.

That's is it for now. Have fun out there.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Got Gas Sensors?

Two weeks ago I was heading down to Keene, NH to drop off my art at the Lotus and Orchid. Along the way my Check Engine light came on and I was little a worried. I kept going and droped my art off. As I was contemplating heading to Boston or not my light went off. Looks like "White Lightning" (my car) wanted to go to Boston as well.

Last night I had to catch up on some much needed laundry. As I was going back to pick up my recently dried clothes, my Check Engine light turned on. Argggh!
I let White Lightning take a break and sleep it off. I wake up this morning and my car still has the check engine light on. I drive it down to Belknap Subaru in Belknap, NH. They give me a call this morning and tell me that the gas sensors are going and are relaying to the computer in the car that I am out of gas or something or other. Anyways, two senors + labor, and an oil change while roatating my tires (which I needed to do) I am going to be out around $400!

Anyone want to buy some prints? :) I could definitely use the extra cash.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Art Opening

This past weekend was the opening for my exhibit down in Keene, NH at the Lotus and Orchid. If you made it out there thanks for the support! Along with the Lotus and Orchid there were several other venues participating in the Keene Art Walk. It was great to see something like this going on.
My art will be in the Lotus and Orchid till the end of July and perhaps through to August. I will keep you upadted as I learn more.

If you are interested in some custom art please let me know. If you have some free time check out

Enjoy the weather while we have it!


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

New Art

If you find yourself in the Keene, NH area on Friday from 5-8, you should come on over to the Lotus and Orchid art gallery and see some ART! I have 7 oil paintings hanging up until the end of July.
The painting to the right is my most recently finished painting. I have been working on this off and on for about a year and a half. The title is "Colour of Music VII". I love music and have so much fun painting this series. Check out more of my art at

Let me know what you think of my new painting.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Here is some new art for you to help pass the time.
Klown Kid #1 -"Leroy". Isn't he just a fun little guy? :)

I started drawing clowns back in 2008 and I have around 12 or so created now and I am starting to post them. Leroy can be found at this link deviant art. I have also uploaded some other art that is available for print.

Check it out when you have the time and let me know what you think.
I will be uploading more art soon as well as posting some on my website

Friday is almost here and I will be down in Keene from 5-8PM at the Lotus and Orchid. If you are going to be in the area, you should try to swing on by.

In other news, I will be in Keene, NH during labor day weekend at the "Art In the Park" Festival. This is sure to be a good time with over 80+ artists attending!!

If you don't have plans you should try to make an appearance down there. There are tons of prizes to be given away along with good food, great people and tons of fun!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy 4th!

I am a little late to post but at least I am getting around to it... Happy 4th of July everybody! Who doesn't like seeing bright colors light up the sky every once in a while? I sure do! I hope this picture make everyone smile as much as it make me smile.

Anyway, I had a great weekend. I grilled some food, drank some choice beverages and hung out with some friends. And for the first time in a few weeks, the sun came out on Sunday and my girlfriend and I spent the day on the beach. I got a bit of a burn but I think I will be okay.

I hope your weekend was as fun as mine. :)

In art news, this Friday from 5pm-8pm, I will be down in Keene, NH at the Lotus and Orchid displaying my art! If you are in the area, come to Keene and check out some cool art! If have been doing some updated so, check out the when you have a moment.

Let me know how what you think!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Moose II

Here is some more eco art. I have been trying to finish up some drawings I started a few months ago, so here is another "Moose II".
I happen to like this guy more than the first Moose. What do you think?

This was drawn on cardboard using pencil, Black charcoal and white charcoal. I think the charcoal work really well with the brown cardboard behind it.

If you would like to purchase a print or the original feel free to send me an email.

In other news it's raining. Hopefully this weekend we will have some sunshine and clear skies at night!

Have a good rest of the week we are almost there!
