Sunday, April 10, 2011

Week 2 of 52

Woooo, I made it to week 2!! Holla! ha ha.

You can read what I had to say about the drawing here at

Check out what the other 23 artists created this week. We are creating a lot of great art and it looks like this is going to be a great project!!

Enjoy the Sunday!


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week 1 of 52

My first post on Twin This is a 52 week art project with several artists creating a new piece of art each week.
Check out the site for all kinds of great new art work from extremely talented artist!

If you are interested in purchasing any art please send me an email.


Worcester Windows

Dropped off art at the Theatre Cafe down in Worcester, MA this weekend as apart of the Worcester Windows Art project. Bill is owner of Theater Cafe and one hell of a good guy. If you are in the area check out some cool art and some great food!

My art is hanging up for the most of the summer and I will be taking them down in August.

Enjoy the art!
