Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Record Player!

Okay, I know I said I was going to start posting more this year. Well 2009 isn't too much different from 2008 blogging habits. I am truly trying to post more and this is my fresh start!

This summer I bought I record player. It is a sweet record player! The sound is phenomenal and there is hardly any damage! 

I am not sure what year the record player was made however, I do know who made it: General Electric.

Anyways, this was a great buy and I am glad I found it (AT A YARD SALE)!!!!

Let me know what you think and if you have one and might know what year this one is from please do let me know.

Till next time.



veggieartgirl said...

I want that record player! It's sweet!

Moon Art Design said...

You better believe it!!! I don't joke around about killer items like this!