Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lola, L-O-L-A......


Here she is in all of her glory- Lola is a friend of Duncan. If you don't know who Duncan is, you can learn all about him here.

Anyone, this post isn't about Duncan, it's all about Lola! What a beauty! I created this shortly after the last Duncan painting I created- Duncan III. This is also an acrylic painting, however, instead of painting on canvas, I used a canvas board that's been sitting around the studio.

Buy prints of Lola on canvas here.

Want to create your own paintings? I recommend using Basics paint and canvas board below:


As you know, I am preparing for Art in the Park and I can't wait for this weekend! If you are going to be in the Keene area, come on down and say hi! There is going to be some great art from over 85 artists on display.

Anyway, I just wanted to touch base before art in the park and update you on some of the new art I've been working on.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment in the comment section below.

Are you ordering from (affiliate link) any time soon? Click on this link or the web banner I have to the right of my blog. Amazon will give me a few pennies from every purchase which helps pay for the blog.

Like me on Facebook.


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Work, Work, Working........

........Like a dog. Boy, I tell, it's not easy working a full time job and being an artist at the same time. Things get tricky too when you are exhausted from doing too much of any one thing.

I have a lot of projects going at the moment so, blogging has taken a back seat to the rest of my life. Although, I do feel like I have been able to keep up fairly regularly, not doing the one a week art project has done two things:

  1. 1. Allowed me to slack on blogging/posting new art 
  2. 2. It has allowed me to focus  on a few projects that I have been pushing off

One of those projects is getting ready for Art in the Park labor day weekend. I have been doing some major slacking here but I am going to put some work in this weekend and next weekend and everything  will be okay! :)

Another project I have been working on is creating a kids book. Although this has not been an easy task, it has been a fun and interesting learning experience. I have written and illustrated the entire book and I am still in the middle of editing, enhancing and improving the book right now.

That's new with me, What have you been up? Leave comments below.  Don't forget about my Summer Sale....... learn more here.

Are you ordering from (affiliate link) any time soon? Click on this link or the web banner I have to the right of my blog. Amazon will give me a few pennies from every purchase which helps pay for the blog.

Like me on Facebook.


Friday, August 16, 2013

End of Summer Sale

How has Summer been treating everyone? I hope you have had plenty of time to enjoy the sunny warm weather-when it's not raining- and were able to head to the beach, play on the lake or read a nice book and relax. 

Unfortunately, Summer is starting to wind down as we are well into August now and the weather is sort of starting to take an uncharacteristically turn towards some fall weather. I have been saying for years now that I feel that seasons are changing starting to shift and that the "Poles- North and South" are changing roles. However, this would mean the poles are going counter clockwise, so what do I know I am an artist.

Although I love the Autumn weather and everything that comes along with it.. camp fires, warm clothing, flannel shirts, hoodies, and those tasty seasonal beers from Southern Tier Brewery and Smuttynose Brewery, to name a couple,  I am still looking for some hot Summer days!

Anyway, as I stated, the Summer is winding down and I need to make room in the studio for new art! So, I am going to offer up a 50% off sale for the rest of the Summer until Tuesday September 3, 2013!!!

That's right, I will be selling all of my original art for half off.  This is a limited time offer so you must   act soon.


All my art is currently 50% off until 9/3/2013.

Please visit to view my art. *Please note, some art that you see on my blog has not been added to my site. Please email me with any questions. 
**Shipping will be added to the final cost and is not discounted.

Ordering from (affiliate link) any time soon? Click on this link or the web banner I have to the right of my blog.

Amazon will give me a few pennies from every purchase which helps pay for the blog.

Like me on Facebook.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Duncan 3

Here is the third installment in my Duncan series "Duncan 3". He's addicted to sugar and it only takes him one lick to get to the center of a lollipop. Aside from being busy working on a children's book, I have actually been taking some time to work on couple of other birds as well.

Prints available here.

However, it's been tough finding time for other projects. Once Art in the Park is over and I have made some great progress on the kids book. Once I have more information on the book, I will let you know.

In other news, Summer feels like it's over huh? The weather has made a huge shift from hot to extremely nice weather during the days (rain aside) and cool nights... which I love!

Fall is around the corner and I can't wait. I hope you are able to enjoy the rest of Summer while it lasts!

Ordering from (affiliate link) any time soon? Click on this link or the web banner I have to the right of my blog.

Amazon will give me a few pennies from every purchase which helps pay for the blog.

Like me on Facebook.


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Art In the Park is coming up!!!

The Summer is starting to wind down- even though it hardly feels like we've had much of a Summer with all this rain. Either way it means it's that time a year again, Art in the Park (in Keene, NH) is only a few weeks away!

This is the 55th year of Art in the Park and it is sure to be the best one yet! This event takes place outdoors so weather is always a concern, but there is typically a good turnout.

Art in the Park is Labor Day weekend Saturday and Sunday from 10-4 both days. There are 80+ artist who put their art out there for all to enjoy! Come visit me and check out my art at the Brown Tent- which is tent 32!

Here is a picture of the First place winner for Photography 2012 of Sue O'Connor Photography!!!

She is also my mom and we share a booth at this great event.

 I am so proud of her and she has an amazing eye for photography.

If you only have a few minute to  to stop by and check out some great art, please do, you won't be disappointed! Besides, don't you need some new art for your walls?

We have a bunch of new art to display and can't wait for Labor Day!

Ordering from (affiliate link) any time soon? Click on this link or the web banner I have to the right of my blog.

Amazon will give me a few pennies from every purchase which helps pay for the blog.

Like me on Facebook.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Duncan II

Here is the second of three paintings I created recently. Duncan II isn't he so cute? He has such a sweet tooth too! I have a few others I have been working on.

I am actually thinking of working on a larger version of Duncan, I am talking about a 5' Duncan! What do you think of that!?!?

Buy prints here.

Anyway, I have been working on a lot of projects lately so it's been hard to take time away to scan, crop, and upload art for viewing on the blog... I know "first world problems". 

I am sorry and I will "try" to be more diligent about it. However, I am an artist (not a writer) and I will do what I can. 

I will however, reveal that I have been working on a book, a kids books and it is really coming along! I am very excited about it and I look forward to sharing more with you soon! This has been consuming a lot of my time recently so I appreciate your patience  in between each blog post. I promise it will be all worth it, plus your kids will be very excited!

Ordering from (affiliate link) any time soon? Click on this link or the web banner I have to the right of my blog.

Amazon will give me a few pennies from every purchase which helps pay for the blog.

Like me on Facebook.
